Chatter – Ep. 29 – June 3, 2016

GRACE. It’s super easy to get swept away by the emotion of a situation, to allow yourself to embrace the first reaction. But I’m working on thinking before reacting out loud in front of other people – because, really, it’s just this moment that’s terrible/sad/stressful/frustrating. The next moment, and the one after, can be better […]

Ladies Who Film – Ep. 30 – June 2, 2016

PROFESSIONALISM. No matter what your job is, or where you work, you will encounter people who challenge your sanity with their unprofessional behavior. That’s going to happen, and sometimes…sometimes all you can do is smile through your frustration and learn from their mistakes. Whether it’s a coworker who fails to do her job to the extent […]

Ladies Who Film – Ep. 29 – May 25, 2016

DREAMS. Firstly, I’M BACK, PEOPLE! Most importantly, though, this week’s episode is all about coping. Sometimes you have a crush that isn’t reciprocated, sometimes you have a plan to reach a goal and it doesn’t work out the way you expected, sometimes you think you know your path and you hit an insurmountable roadblock. So deal […]

Chatter – Ep. 28 – Apr. 30, 2016

PINK VIRUS FUNDRAISER! This is the last Chatter I’ll be harassing you about this, and I hope this is the last time we need a fundraiser, and I pray that it’s because we finally get to push the vaccine forward and get it to market within my lifetime. We’ve got lives to save, people. Join […]

Chatter – Ep. 21 – Mar. 5, 2016

ADVENTURE. I’ve discovered, over the course of my varied and often turbulent dating life, that learning and growing together is imperative to building a healthy and long-lasting relationship. But this isn’t just about romantic love. The need for adventure and shared experiences extends to other types of relationships, and that has never been more apparent […]

Chatter – Ep. 19 – Feb. 20, 2016

CREATIVITY. My dad says that there’s a solution to everything, you just need to be creative. He’s right. I don’t just mean you should be creative and paint or write or draw or sculpt. I mean, be creative in solving problems. Think of ways to get what you want/need/desire/require, because there’s a way – even […]

Chatter – Ep. 16 – Jan. 30, 2016

COMPROMISE. Successful human interaction on any level – romantic, platonic, or otherwise – requires a certain amount of compromise and sacrifice. But there are limits. There need to be limits. You can’t give up everything you are and everything you want just to please someone else. So that’s what today’s podcast is all about: knowing […]

Chatter – Ep. 10 – Dec. 19, 2015

DISTANCING LANGUAGE. It’s a thing I use to gently let people down when they’re obviously pushing for something I’m not into. Sometimes it’s too hard or scary to directly tell a suitor that you’re not interested – maybe he or she is a friend, maybe he or she is part of your professional circle, etc. […]

Chatter – Ep. 9 – Dec. 16, 2015

BALANCE. It’s super hard to achieve sometimes. I get it. I struggle with it every waking moment. Don’t be like me, y’all. Don’t lose sleep, don’t use food as your primary means of finding satisfaction, don’t let the men in your life expect you to schedule your life around theirs. Make people respect you and your […]

Chatter – Ep. 8 – Dec. 5, 2015

SISTERHOOD. I’ve been given the opportunity to become friends with some incredible people, but especially the fantastic, intelligent, talented women in my life. These women have taught me how to put on eyeliner, how to eat Korean BBQ, how to…be friends with girls. This podcast is my love letter to all of you amazing women […]